PDF: DeepWave: A Recurrent Neural-Network for Real-Time Acoustic Imaging (neurips.cc)
Code: https://github.com/imagingofthings/DeepWave
Last updated: October 2024
Previous work: Delay-And-Sum (DAS) beamformer [1, Chapter 5].
Idea: Real-time reconstruction of acoustic spherical maps based on LISTA [2].
Limitations: It can reconstruct only high resolution microphone arrays
Signals can arrive to the microphones from different positions and angles. A direction can be parametrized as:
The vector that stores the phase shifts or time delays of the signal to each microphone in the array is the steering vector. The steering vector is a complex 1D vector of M elements (microphones), $a(\theta) \in \mathbb{C}^{M}:$
$$ \mathbf{a}(\theta) = \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ e^{-j k d \sin(\theta)} \\ e^{-j 2 k d \sin(\theta)} \\ \vdots \\ e^{-j (M-1) k d \sin(\theta)} \end{pmatrix} $$